Career and Life Coaching

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”

— Rumi

Coaches are objective, curious thought partners, awareness builders, and experienced facilitators. We help uncover, challenge, and unblock the boundaries and barriers keeping you from where you want to be. Your role is to create the context - the goals, questions, experiences. My role is to help you get to the heart of what matters. Through a series of trusted conversations, we find clarity, make choices, and create new approaches so that you may flourish in a way that best serves you. The immediate goal may have a personal and/or professional focus - however - the impact of change and transformation influences all aspects of who we are and how we meet the world.

Do you ever wonder “is this all there is?” Have ideas, goals, or dreams that feel beyond your reach? Feel stuck where you are and unsure how to move forward? Can’t recall the last time you felt happy and content, or even have a sense of what it means to feel that way?

Dive into the depths of your beliefs and values and how these align with your current priorities and desired future state. Open to the possibility of your dreams. Craft intentional, attainable goals that are congruent to them.

On Purpose

How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something, but to be someone.
— Coco Chanel

Boundaries & Balance

Wondering why you’re not able to create and maintain healthier boundaries between personal and career demands? Reacting to a seemingly endless sense of urgency and not sure where your needs are on the list of demands? Feeling exhausted, defeated, frustrated, burned-out?

Gain clarity around what’s important to you and learn how to build sustainable boundaries. Develop broader life management methods to help navigate your unique goals, dreams, and priorities.

I had reached a point of depletion; I was working non-stop and couldn’t disconnect. With Kate’s support, I was able to explore my relationship with work and devise approaches that were specific to how I wanted to show up - as a parent, a partner, and a leader.
— General Manager, Retailing Organization

Career Transitions

Is it time for a change? Frustrated, burned out, and unhappy with your career, job, and/or the company? Ready to make new contributions and leverage and align your knowledge and experience with something that matters to you?

Explore the emotions and experiences and clarify what’s driving your motivation for change. Create a clear sightline to your “next” - pursuing opportunities that bring a stronger sense of happiness and fulfillment. Define approaches that will support the process from search to the first ninety days.

I always thought I had everything in control. And then... COVID. Grappling with constant change and major decisions - I felt trapped in indecision. Kate helped me build tools to manage the moments I was overwhelmed with the unknown.
— Director, National Retailer


Explore how to integrate the elements of mindfulness into your daily routine. Cultivate a mindset focusing less on judgment and expectation and more on acceptance and appreciation of what’s available to you right now.

Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity which at bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are.
— Jon Kabat-Zinn

Crucial Conversations

Feedback. Performance reviews. Resolving conflict. Managing “up.” The conversations we know we should have, but seem to avoid. Create a method, blending proven communication practices with your strengths. Many find that the skills they develop have lasting, positive impact in professional and personal relationships.

I needed to have a difficult conversation with an underperforming individual on my team. I explored the methods of crucial conversations with Kate and learned how to better prepare and keep the discussion on track as well as manage emotional responses.
— Sr Director, Global Technology Provider

Leadership Presence

Wondering how you can be more effective as a leader? Received feedback that in order to level-up you need tune in and fine tune how you show up?

Discover ways to leverage your strengths and become a more impactful contributor, supportive advocate, and compassionate leader.

In pursuit of promotion, Kate helped me break down a 360 review and target areas of focus and fine-tuning. We explored what strengths would help me to improve delegation skills and empower my team to own their work.
— Director, Financial Services Advisory Group

Psychological Safety

Have you ever felt pressured to cut corners to reach a goal or deadline? Or feel haunted by a time you wanted to speak up, but didn’t? Are you uncomfortable that others might become defensive, combative, or dismissive of your feedback and ideas?

Emotional safety exists when individuals are confident and trust in a working environment that is open and unguarded.

I struggled with a team hesitant to share issues and ideas. Kate and I connected how psychological safety was impacting the situation. I learned that it’s important for me to not only encourage participation; it’s to be sure that I’m appreciative and respectful and ready to support any actions that may follow.
— SVP, Technology Development Team