By Kate…

A path worth taking - I loved the bravery and the invitation to what is possible if only we let go of any preconceived notion that it is not.”

— Amazon Reviewer on Becoming Kate

Writing has always been a part of my life. For me, the blank page is an invitation to a safe space where I can imagine, explore, and dream. My heart spills open as I wander the blank pages of my journal, diving deep into my inner world, curious as to what I might discover. One day a few years ago, I mustered the courage to share my writings with friends, along with my dream to tell stories and write books. I was strongly encouraged to pursue my passion.

So here’s me… living my passion… out loud.

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Becoming Kate picks up where Untethered left off—on the same beach where I spent much of my childhood. It’s the story of a heart. My heart.

In 2013, I was led back to the place where it all began. Returned to face the demons that had haunted me and kept me from having the life I wanted. My childhood home. Cleveland.

This leg asked me to consider the entirety of my life’s experiences and navigate a course to change. I used everything I was given to discover the possibility of who I was becoming.

I chose twelve compelling moments that allowed me to shift my perceptions, beliefs, and values. Each encouraged me onward as I reconciled my past, restored peace to my soul, and released my heart’s passion to live.

If you are soul searching for the inner you, or just need to know you don’t have to settle in your life, take time to read this book and become inspired! Definitely a must-read!!
— Amazon Reviewer on Becoming Kate

Untethered is a story about letting go, change and transformation. In 2009, I stood on the edge of my life and asked if it was possible to change my choices. I wondered if I had the courage to uproot and break down the protective barriers I had created, resolve and heal from decades of trauma and pain, and create a purpose-driven life based on my heart’s ideals and soul’s intentions.

Was I strong enough to wage a battle between my ego and my heart? From a guarded stance of fear, my ego wanted to protect and withhold, while my heart thrived in a space of possibility and longed to live unburdened.

Untethered is the story of those first tentative steps toward freedom and the power of letting go. And as the world around me opened, I saw glimpses into the possibility of actualizing the peaceful, purpose-driven, heart-centered life I longed to have.

Whether a book promotes improvement by leading with head and strategic thinking, or by leaning on heart and personal story, every attempt to help and heal adds value. Rarely, however, does any book along this continuum tell the whole truth of transformation. You have in your hands one that does.
— Lynn Schoener, Executive Coach on Untethered

Coming Soon!

I have two writing projects underway and advancing at their own creative pace. I’m also excited to shift from the memoir format into the world of fiction. And as the next step of my dream, I am in pursuit of publishers for both (just thought I’d put that out there into the universe ;) Take a peek and sign up for updates, excerpts, and other book news!

This is a story about Emma’s journey to find a magic heart rock that was a gift from her father. After losing it one day, she becomes convinced that she will never hear her own heart until she finds the missing, magic rock.

Emma makes many new friends, and they all help her search for her lost treasure. Each one also brings a special message about faith, trust, love, and letting go. These messages will inspire Emma and her father, who journeys with her to discover the deeper meaning tied to this lost treasure.

The first in an intended series of children’s inspirational stories. It’s also a project I am honored to share with a talented young artist, Julia Jantz. She’s contributed her creative soul to the characters as she brought them to life. We are so excited to share Emma’s stories with you!

Finding Emma’s Heart

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.
— Roald Dahl

“I listen to the wind, to the wind of my soul ... I let the music take me where my heart wants to go “

— Cat Stevens, The Wind

I walked the beach and headed west toward the setting sun. I watched the windmills along the Maui mountainside as they spun wildly in the wind. There are many who believe - myself included - that the wind is a messenger and conductor. A voice from beyond that guides, clears, resolves, and empowers. In our face, it tests our resolve and commitment. At our backs, it helps direct us along life’s flow.

According to the Bible, each direction of the wind has meaning and purpose.

As I walked, I was thinking about a conversation during a book festival in Sedona just a few days before. I was packing up my things when she wandered over and asked me about my books - most specifically the one I hadn’t yet written. When I asked her what made it so interesting to her she replied, “Because I think it’s about love.”

I nodded and smiled. It’s the love story that lives in my heart.

“What will you call it?” she asked.


The westerly winds bring end to an era, a day, an age – the simultaneous moment of ending and beginning. The restoration of all things to their intended state. Not a “re-do” or rewind to what could have been – rather – an integration of all of life’s possible paths into the one we end up walking.

And… it also just so happens to be the name of an elementary school where once upon a time, a little girl with bright blonde pigtails and big blue eyes, fell in love for the very first time.


Have a book club? If you have interest in hosting a discussion, please connect to chat about the details!

♡ Kate